“Cloud Cities of Venus"
Settling Earth’s Twin Four billion years ago, Venus, Earth and Mars each held oceans and the chemical ingredients of biology. Over the eons since, Mars lost its atmosphere, turning ever colder, while Venus entered a death-spiral of ever-increasing heat. But, 50 km above its desolate surface, the cool cloud tops of Venus offer a potential refuge; protected from cosmic and solar radiation overhead and the blistering surface temperatures below. Solar powered ships and habitats could effortlessly float there, sailing the brisk winds that circle the globe. In the far future, the whole planet might be terraformed. Visionary engineers and scientists are taking the first steps toward settling the 2nd planet from the Sun. View on MagellanTV https://www.magellantv.com/series/exploring-venus-4k/cloud-cities-of-venus-4k |
“Mars Calling - Manifest Destiny or Grand Illusion?”What can the Fourth Planet tell us about where we came from? About who we are and where we're going?
Mars has long toyed with our imaginations, sometimes fooling astronomers, enticing explorers and entrepreneurs; often acting as a mirror for human visions, hopes and plans. Do we have the right to disturb the red planet? Or the responsibility to nurture it? Will we change Mars? Or will Mars fundamentally alter us? |
“Are There Other Earths?”What are the odds of life on planets orbiting nearby stars?
Scientists, wielding sensitive new telescopes and "big data" tools, have detected planets around thousands of stars; some Sun-like and some very different from our star. Many newly discovered "exoplanets" lie in "habitable zones," where liquid water may support the chemistry that enables biology. How will astronomers discover if we have company in the cosmos...and where they live? View on MagellanTV
www.magellantv.com/video/other-earths-the-search-for-habitable-planets |
“Apollo's New Moon”What the astronauts brought back taught us how the Solar System was born … and what we can make of it.
The world cheered when the first Apollo returned safely to Earth. Few knew that what they found would touch off a chain reaction in our understanding of the origin of our Earth and its life. An intensive effort by filmmakers to enhance original NASA film – using AI-based software and other digital processing – gives viewers a new and deeper perspective on what it was like to walk (and drive) the lunar landscape for the sake of science. View on MagellanTV
https://www.magellantv.com/video/apollos-new-moon |
“Kingdom of Saturn - Cassini’s Epic Quest”An extraordinary journey to discover what the exquisite ringed-planet can tell us about where we came from.
Ride with the Cassini spacecraft across the ever-changing crystalline fields of Saturn's intricate ring-plane and explore its tantalizing moons. Does alien life dwell out here in the cold realm of the gas giant planets, 1.2 billion kilometers from the Sun? |
“Star Crash: The Explosion That Transformed Astronomy”AI-Assisted 'Multi-Messenger Astrophysics' is the Universe learning to understand itself. The age of Big Astronomy now begins...
A startling collision in an ancient galaxy slews Earth's largest telescopes to a spot in the Hydra constellation. Two rapidly spinning neutron stars have violently merged to form a possible black hole. And, for the first time, astronomers see its electromagnetic flash and hear its gravitational thunder as they watch new elements being born. |
“Voyage of Curiosity”Could life have ever taken hold on Mars? Is the planet safe enough now for human explorers? The Mars Science Lab rover named “Curiosity" is on a bold quest to find out.
“Kingdom of Saturn," a new documentary film on Amazon’s XiveTV, transports viewers Ride with the Cassini spacecraft across the ever-changing crystalline fields of Saturn's intricate ring-plane and explore its tantalizing moons. Does alien life dwell out here, 1.2 billion kilometers from the Sun, in the cold realm of the gas giant planets? View on Amazon.
“The Jupiter Enigma”It lords over the solar system… a mega-world two and a half times the mass of all the other planets combined. A tiny spacecraft now charges into the sizzling radioactive maelstrom above the cloud-tops.; a belt of radiation 1000 times the human-lethal dose.
The great globe may be the oldest of the surviving planets. What can Jupiter tell us about a time, over 4 billion years ago, when worlds were born and obliterated; when the fate of our own small and fragile globe hung in the balance? View on MagellanTV.